Thursday, June 24, 2010

Freezer Cooking guides

My good friend, Charity, is teaching a Money Wise Life Class at her church that I've been attending.  She's an incredible teacher and is great at challenging the class to become better stewards of the money God has entrusted to us.

Last night, she mentioned her new adventure of freezer cooking - making multiple meals at one time and then freezing them so she's always got meals on hand.  I've always loved this "concept" - just never tried it for our family.  It seems overwhelming and I always worry that our freezer will got out or something crazy will happen and we'll lose a freezer full of food.  HOWEVER, Charity (without knowing it) encouraged me to pursue this new way of meal planning.  Her go to book is called "Don't Worry, Dinner is in the Freezer."  I called the library today and sadly they don't have a copy of that particular book BUT I did checkout two others.  "Frozen Assets:  How to Cook for a day and eat for a month" and "The Freezer Cooking Manual:  From 30 Day Gourmet".  Excited to try a few meal batches!

Do you have any freezer cooking meal suggestions?

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